Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lately, whenever I feel like eating something in my house, it always seems like we just ran out of it. Every time I crave bagels, we never have it. But when we do have bagels, I am never in the mood for them, so they end up getting moldy and my mom gets mad at me and then she refuses to buy bagels for the next couple of weeks. It is like a cycle. Yesterday, I wanted to make banana bread since we did not have that in a long time. But as I started mixing the batter, however, I went to get the baking soda from the pantry and it turns out that we ran out! I was so frustrated that we did not have any AND I already started baking, so my mom went to get the baking soda so i can finish making the banana bread. When she comes back with the baking soda, she also brings back some chocolate milk mixes. My dad said it was really good, so I decided to try some. However, right when I open the refrigerator I find that my dad and sister finished all of our remaining milk. Since Costco is about 15 minutes away from my house, we will not go there until the weekend. So, now I will have to wait 6 days until I can get milk. But by then, I will either have a new craving, or i will find something else we don’t have that my family needs to buy.
It may seem like I’m lazy, since I could get these things myself if I really want to. Once I get home from school and track practice, I have no motivation to do anything except eat and sleep. Very rarely am I in the mood to actually doing something, and when I am in the mood for baking, I still only want to eat, sleep, and bake. In a way, I think I have a reason to be lazy when I come home since I come home straight from sports. But in another way, I should not use my extra curricular activities as an excuse to not do anything. I am so lazy that when I need to talk to my sister and I am in my room, I instant message her when she is literally across the hall. I do this because I am too lazy to call her over and ask her a question. Sometimes, I even do this just to ask her if she can turn the kitchen light off. Most of the time, I am so lazy and tired when I wake up that I just put on whatever I can reach. I have over twenty pairs of shoes, but I only wear the same pair everyday because I am too lazy to take the other shoes out and wear them and put them back in the box at the end of the day. I hate peeling oranges and tangerines so much, that when my mom gives me one in my lunch for school, I usually do not even eat it if it is not already peeled. Overall, I think I am just too lazy. I need to work on being more motivated and hard working. Even if I do not have the energy to do something, I am going to try to do it as hard as I can in order to no longer be lazy.